William Kunstler — American Activist born on July 07, 1919, died on September 04, 1995

William Moses Kunstler was an American self-described "radical lawyer" and civil rights activist, known for his politically unpopular clients. Kunstler was an active member of the National Lawyers Guild, a board member of the American Civil Liberties Union and the co-founder of the Law Center for Constitutional Rights, the "leading gathering place for radical lawyers in the country"... (wikipedia)

Our bodies must always be wherever that struggle and the moment we forget that, the moment we become lazy, the moment we sit back, then then the evil ones do their ordained tasks to us.
When we talk about justice in America we're really talking about justice brought about by the people, not by judges who are tools of the establishment or prosecutors who are are equally tools of the establishment or the wardens or the police officers.
This is New York, and there's no law against being annoying.
At first blush, it seems that the young people who were shot down in the parking lot at the base of Blanket Hill gave up their lives for a dream that died with them.
A dog is like a liberal. He wants to please everybody. A cat really doesn't need to know that everybody loves him.