If the battle for civilization comes down to the wimps versus the barbarians, the barbarians are going to win.
Meteorite hunting is not for wimps. The best places to look are also the coldest and windiest. You need very old ice, and you need wind, lots of it, strong and unrelenting. Antarctica fits the bill.
I'm not one of those pop guys. That's for wimps like Vanilla Ice.
Back before I injured my hip, I thought going to the gym was for wimps.
Someone has to stand up for wimps.
I personally think you can have a really rich and full life with no abs. Abs are for wimps.
I'm really quite conscious of clothes and the way they fit and don't regret wearing anything. Not even the five-inch stack heels I wore with three-button high-waisters at comprehensive school. Regret is for wimps.
Lunch? You gotta be kidding. Lunch is for wimps.
Don't be afraid of girls. That is my big regret. Knowing what I know about girls, I should have just gone for it. Guys are such wimps.
Freedom isn't for wimps.