Mom and Dad were married 64 years. And if you wondered what their secret was, you could have asked the local florist - because every day Dad gave Mom a rose, which he put on her bedside table. That's how she found out what happened on the day my father died - she went looking for him because that morning, there was no rose.
I invent by analogy. I thought, 'It's commonplace that you can mix colors, smear them together to get new emerging colors. Likewise, you can mix radio waves to get new frequencies.' So, I wondered, 'Why can't you mix sound to get new sounds?'
I never wondered whether I should be a stage actress or a movie actress.
I am really quite fascinated by echo-locating bats and dolphins and have always wondered how sound affects the unconscious brain.
Our Masonic friends have it down very fine. I do not know where they got it so well. I have often wondered where they found out so many of the secrets of our High and Accepted Order of Masonry.
There were times when I wondered if I was doing the right thing, studying when I could have been going to auditions.
I always wondered what hearing one's own obituary might sound like, and I sort of feel like I may have just heard part of it at least.
I had a cancer scare in the early '90s, and for a few months, I wondered if I would make it.
One of the reasons the doctors gave for hospitalizing me against my will was that I was 'gravely disabled.' To support this view, they wrote in my chart that I was unable to do my Yale Law School homework. I wondered what that meant about much of the rest of New Haven.
Our Founders always wondered about how long it would last. The price of liberty is everlasting vigilance. You've got to be on your guard every minute or you will lose it.