I will not comment on or confirm what are alleged to be stolen State Department cables. But I can say that the United States deeply regrets the disclosure of any information that was intended to be confidential, including private discussions between counterparts or our diplomats' personal assessments and observations.
Just to confirm to all my followers I have had a hair transplant. I was going bald at 25 why not.
I'd like to see a ghost. It would confirm there's an afterlife.
Social Security Number Cards by themselves were never intended to be personal identity documents because they cannot confirm that a person presenting a card is actually the person whose name appears on the card.
For all its shortcomings, Wikipedia does have strong governance and deliberative mechanisms; anyone who has ever followed discussions on Wikipedia's mailing lists will confirm that its moderators and administrators openly discuss controversial issues on a regular basis.
I am acutely aware that you have not elected me as your President by your ballots, so I ask you to confirm me with your prayers.
Followers of the occult believe in only what they already know, and in those things that confirm what they have already learned.
Music was invented to confirm human loneliness.
Ideologies, however appealing, cannot shape the whole structure of perceptions and conduct unless they are embedded in daily experiences that confirm them.
Arguments only confirm people in their own opinions.