I am attracted to anything that does not feel derivative.
Even the crudest, most derivative novel is an expression of the author's hopes and fears and ideas about good and evil.
Actually, I take it as a compliment. Diva is a derivative of divine. That's quite a title to carry around.
Hedge funds try to produce above-average investment returns using tactics ranging from traditional stock-picking to complex derivative and arbitrage plays. High minimum investments, redemption restrictions and aggressive strategies make them suitable mainly for more sophisticated and well-heeled investors.
Our influences are who we are. It's rare that anything is an absolutely pure vision; even Daniel Johnston sounds like the Beatles. And that's the problem with the bands I'm always asked about, the ones derivative of the early Seattle sound. They don't dilute their influences enough.
A lot of songs are derivative of each other. Sometimes you need to take a departure from what you do to something that's slightly different in order to get inspiration.
I really enjoyed the sort of real crazy, eclectic layering stuff and how it all worked together. I could tell it was some of it was derivative of something. I could tell that certain things were being looped around and I just really enjoyed the way that it all came together.
I believe that writing is derivative. I think good writing comes from good reading.
A futures contract is a derivative, but the futures exchange doesn't call them 'derivatives,' they call them 'futures.'
Online is a revolution. The Internet is a revolution. And we should be revolutionary in the content that we put on it rather than derivative.