If a lecturer, he wishes to be heard; if a writer, to be read. He always hopes for a public beyond that of the long-suffering wife.
According to my parents, I was supposed to have been a nice, churchgoing Swiss housewife. Instead I ended up an opinionated psychiatrist, author and lecturer in the American Southwest, who communicates with spirits from a world that I believe is far more loving and glorious than our own.
Both of my parents had a change of career. My mum was a nurse, and now she's a college lecturer.
At university level, I had an economics lecturer who used to joke that I was the only student who handed in essays on British Airways notepaper.
I am a fellow commoner at Lucy Cavendish College. My husband used to be a lecturer at Leeds University, and we lived in Yorkshire for 11 years. When he gave up his job, we realised we could live wherever we liked.
I'm fortunate in that I'm a lecturer too and this gets me out and about and away from the computer. I also have loads of friends all around the world, plus a core group of special people in my life that I can lean on, chat to, or just hang with.
A lecturer once told me I could never be a director. I was 16. I believed him.
My father was an academic, an eccentric. He was a lecturer.
The lecturer should give the audience full reason to believe that all his powers have been exerted for their pleasure and instruction.
One shouldn't ever be conscious of the author as lecturer. When social or moral points are too heavily stressed, I always get uncomfortable.