For many of us, clean water is so plentiful and readily available that we rarely, if ever, pause to consider what life would be like without it.
The thankful receiver bears a plentiful harvest.
Earth is abundant with plentiful resources. Our practice of rationing resources through monetary control is no longer relevant and is counter-productive to our survival.
This Obamacare program has Obama's name on it. He lied to people for three years about this program. People trusted him. People believed what he told them. They believed that he was going to improve the health care system in this country, and it was going to get cheaper, more affordable, more plentiful.
Work is hard. Distractions are plentiful. And time is short.
In life, everybody faces choices between doing what's popular, easy, and wrong vs. doing what's lonely, difficult, and right. These decisions intensify when you run a company, because the consequences get magnified 1,000 fold. As in life, the excuses for CEOs making the wrong choice are always plentiful.
Excitement was plentiful during my two years' service as a Pony Express rider.
In terms of sustainability and what we eat and what its footprint is on the environment and the consequences of eating one thing versus another, obviously it makes a lot of sense to be eating insects. They're incredibly plentiful. They've got a very short turnover rate. You could be eating termites.
The supply of words in the world market is plentiful but the demand is falling. Let deeds follow words now.
Readers are plentiful: thinkers are rare.