Working your core always, your foot speed, jumping rope, push-ups and sit-ups - things like that are really important. Those things will pay off more than just doing what a bench press will.
I've got this old-school workout - push-ups, sit-ups, tricep dips. And it worked. Anybody can do this at home.
Poker has the feeling of a sport, but you don't have to do push-ups.
A boxing workout is the heaviest thing, but it's the best. The worst part is that boxing gyms are the smelliest things in the universe. You have to lie down on the floor, where everyone has been sweating and spitting, and do 1,000 situps and push-ups.
My boy and I move. We have this game where if we dress in a particular item of clothing, we have to do a different movement. A hat means 20 jumps - that sort of thing. When I put a scarf on, my son has to drop down and do push-ups, immediately. He thinks it's really funny.
Every night before bed, I drop down to the floor and do 20 sit-ups, 5 push-ups and stretching. No matter what the day has been like, I drop and give myself 20 every single night.
I run and do a lot of push-ups and eat healthy.
Sometimes I'm at home and I remember I'm supposed to do 100 push-ups and I don't.
I eat things I shouldn't eat all the time. I have to work out so I can enjoy myself! I like to run, and I'll do body weight stuff: push-ups, squats, lunges, pull-ups.
I exercise at least five times a week with stretching, Pilates, push-ups, planks, sit- ups, squats and light weights.