I cannot be alone in being pretty nauseated by Red Nose Day, or at least its television manifestation. Do I think that wretchedly poor children in Africa should get food and life-saving drugs? Of course. Do I want to be hectored into contributing by celebrities who earn more in a 10-minute slot than many of these families get in a year? Nope.
I basically left Texas with no money. I was making $3.50 working in some mall, so I didn't have a lot of cash. I took $1,000 and headed to California. Along the way I stopped in Vegas because I had always wanted to see Caesar's Palace. So I stopped there and won $2,500 on a slot machine! It was amazing.
Slot machines are like crack for old people.
Script comes first, then the actors, then you gotta be lucky enough to get the right time slot. Then people have to watch.
You gotta keep trying to find your niche and trying to fit into whatever slot that's left for you or to make one of your own.
I love to go to casinos with my wife. I play poker, and she's an old-fashioned slot queen. She even has a visor.
I think that Vegas is one of the wildest places I've ever been to. You can look to your left and there's a drag queen getting married by Elvis, to the right there is some old bird sticking quarters into a slot machine for hours.
I think time management as a label encourages people to view each 24-hour period as a slot in which they should pack as much as possible.
Eight o'clock is hard no matter what network you're on because people have to make a decision to sit down and start watching TV. Every other time slot is a time slot that happens after someone's watching something else.
I feel I could be walking down the street, and if somebody talked to me, I could just slot into 'Miss Marple' and know how she would react.