The basic premise of the Constitution was a separation of powers and a system of checks and balances because man was perceived as a fallen creature and would always yearn for more power.
There are thousands of inspirational stories waiting to be told about young women who yearn for a great education. They are stories of struggle and stories of success, and they will inspire others to take action and work to change lives.
Life is a series of collisions with the future; it is not the sum of what we have been, but what we yearn to be.
People will still love and hurt and yearn.
Architecture should speak of its time and place, but yearn for timelessness.
We are glorious accidents of an unpredictable process with no drive to complexity, not the expected results of evolutionary principles that yearn to produce a creature capable of understanding the mode of its own necessary construction.
I love those who yearn for the impossible.
If you don't die of thirst, there are blessings in the desert. You can be pulled into limitlessness, which we all yearn for, or you can do the beauty of minutiae, the scrimshaw of tiny and precise. The sky is your ocean, and the crystal silence will uplift you like great gospel music, or Neil Young.
I think women secretly yearn for the return of John Wayne and don't even know it.
For years, we in publishing have been hearing from Catholic readers that they really yearn for Catholic fiction.