I can be not showered and dressed like a slob, but my lip gloss will be on!
My personal style falls between casual cool and meticulous slob. I'm most comfortable in jeans, but I love fashion.
You don't want a slob, but you don't want a guy who is constantly borrowing your tweezers.
I think I've proven with my career that I can play a wide variety of characters. Yet, I still get typecast as the crazy slob guy. That's how it always works.
I haven't changed. I'm the same slob I was during the campaign. I don't take myself seriously, but I think my work is important. I see myself as this relatively young guy who met an unusual man early in his career and stuck with him. We don't go around pinching ourselves that we're in the White House - we worked for four years to get here.
I'm a schizophrenic mix of wannabe glamourpuss and absolute slob, and my style is very much magistrate-meets-barmaid.
When a man wants to relax, he will slob out and really relax. Or he will pursue a hobby - anything from building models to watching sport.
I profoundly believe it takes a lot of practice to become a moral slob.
Before, it was always, 'Oh, no, here comes Clancy, that insurance agent.' Now it's, 'Oh, here comes Tom Clancy, bestselling author.' But I'm still the same basic middle-class slob.
I'm sort of a slob.